
New Autonomous Region Brings Wind of Change for Papua

  By: Alfred Jigibalom The addition of a new autonomous region (DOB) brings positive winds of change for the Papuan people. With this policy, Papuan people (OAP) are increasingly being heard and given the opportunity to develop their territory. The expansion of regions or the addition of new autonomous regions will soon actually be realized in Papua . For an area as large as Papua, it is not enough if there are only 2 provinces. When there are 5 provinces, the arrangements will be easier and closer if people want to take care of important documents to the provincial capital. Political observer Frans Maniagasi stated that the division of territory brought significant progress in the form of physical progress. In a sense, when there used to be a province of West Papua, its territory was also more advanced and no longer left behind. Therefore, it is necessary to have a new province so that the community is also more advanced. Frans added that the problem of division was not only the s...